Coronavirus Update for the Wine Industry

March 13, 2020

Coronavirus Update for the Wine Industry

As you’re all aware, we are all coming to terms with the reality of the worldwide spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), and no one is unaffected by this pandemic. Surrounding the fear of this outbreak, there are important steps that you, as businesses, can do to prevent the spread of this virus. As an association, we want to make sure you have the information and tools you need to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus from impacting your business, employees and customers.

Helpful Tips:

•  Practice good hygiene – wash your hands with SOAP and WATER! If hand washing is unavailable, use hand sanitizer.

•  Avoid touching your face. Yes, it’s super hard not to (and once you realize you shouldn’t do it, you become aware of just how many times you actually do touch your face!)

•  Stop handshaking – use other non-contact methods of greeting or a simple friendly ‘hi!”

•  Set regular hand washing reminders on your phone

•  Promote tap and pay or online payment options to limit handling of cash

•  Increase ventilation by opening windows if Iowa temperatures allow, or adjusting air conditioning

•  Sell your wines online when possible or consider delivery options or an order and pick-up outside the winery type of option

•  Set a timer to remind you to regularly disinfect surfaces frequently touched in your winery like doorknobs, tables, countertops, bathroom surfaces and handrails regularly

•  Fact check your news sources before sharing any misinformation on your social channels or online; help avoid the “fake news” hype and leave it to the medical professionals

Below are some official resources available to keep you, your family and your customers safe.

Keeping workplaces, homes, schools or commercial establishments safe (from the CDC)

Steps to Prevent Illness (from the CDC)

OSHA Announcement on Coronavirus (from OSHA)

OSHA Environmental Cleaning and Disinfecting Recommendations (from OSHA)

View the official update as PDF.